An Update
As Eugene Levy said in Splash: "What a week I'm having!" I was supposed to be handling our big move to a new home on Saturday alone, due to Mr. Emergency having an enormous deal closing at work. Then, on Wednesday, my daughter picked up a virulent stomach flu. On Friday, she had a series of severe - and, so far, unexplained - seizures that led to her hospitalization. The good news is that she is now acting as if nothing at all has happened, babbling, eating heartily and practicing her new walking skills. My incredible mother flew out overnight to help me deal with both the baby and the move, and has been an enormous help. Now, poor Mr. Emergency has the gastro-intestinal bug, too - and is (almost unbelievably!) working through it. I'm rarely getting to shower, let alone worry about what perfume to wear. I will return once we manage to dig our way out from under the boxes in our new abode. Thank you for your patience...
Oh. My. God. The stomach bug and the move and the seizures. Bless your heart. Hang in there! Seizures like that are weirdly common in some of my friends' kids when they were really little (we missed that one.)
Two years ago we had the stomach bug so bad that I ended up getting rid of our new family room sofa. You can fill in the details. :-)
Oh, Erin.
I'm so sorry for all your troubles...
I'm grateful that the sweet girl is more like herself.
Sending loving thoughts your way.
Oh my goodness, Erin, I am so very sorry. Did they find out what on earth was wrong with the poor little one?
Of course the most bizarre and seemingly terrible things happen to children only to pass as suddenly and unexpectedly as they started. I remember one morning T. woke up screaming that she had a tummy ache. She screamed in pain when I tried to lie her down and when I tried to sit her up. I woke up DH and as soon as he got dressed to take us to the hospital- yes, that's right- it all stopped. The way she screamed though...oh my god, I thought it was...I don't even know...something truly horrible.
Yikes! With a terrible week like this, fate should grant you a fantastic summer to balance it all out. I'm so glad the baby is all right and hope that "Mr. Emergency" morphs into "Mr. Laid Back and Easygoing" soon.
And I hope you love your new home!
Was thinking of you today and stumbled upon your blog. I hope everyone is feeling better soon. Wish I could be around to help out. Good luck with the move.
Sending good thoughts your way.
March: Yes, it's possible she is just going to be prone to febrile (fever-induced) seizures while she's small - although these were quite long and severe, and were weirdly not accompanied by fever or low blood sugar, as far as they can tell. They seem to just think the siezures were related to the gastro, but there is a small possibility that she may be either very temperature-sensitive or epileptic - both conditions being better than some sort of brain or central nervous system infection, which was the concern for a while.
Thank you for your encouragement. A sofa is a big investment! We only had to get rid of a lot of bedding, as they were re-carpeting our old apartment - thank heaven!
Chaya: Thanks for your thoughts. I'm grateful, too. I've never been so happy to watch her have a temper tantrum!
Marina: She is being scheduled for a number of neurological appointments to look for the cause of the seizures. I think the whole thing may just remain a mystery, though, which is fine with me - as long as it doesn't happen again! Yes, children are so changeable health-wise; my daughter actually had her first seizure in the hospital, where I'd taken her for suspected dehydration, and they released us two hours later because she was refusing to act ill (we came back by ambulance later). I'm sorry to hear of your ordeal with T. Just thinking of things like that gives me grey hairs...
Angela: Thanks, I'm hoping so! If Mr. Emergency ever suddenly became laid-back and easy-going, I'd know that body-snatching aliens had finally landed. He's already feeling better, though, which makes me happy. And I'm enjoying my new perfume cupboard...
Sherri: Welcome, sweetie! I miss you, and have been thinking of you, too, but, of course, haven't found my phone book in the chaos. I'll email you my new phone number tonight.
Hi Erin,
I only just found your blog today but after reading this post I really wanted to post a comment and send all my wishes for your baby girl. I hope she never has to experience this again.
Divina: Welcome and thanks for the kind words! Attractive photo you've got there. My daughter is doing great now, and it's time for me to get back to the blog. I'm hoping to post a review tomorrow.
I missed this when you posted it, so adding very tardy good wishes to your daughter. Sounds like she is already improved, but that must have been terrifying.
R, thanks! Yes, she's much better now, though in the way of children, she picked up a cold when she was weakened from the gastro and also developed a rash reaction from her measles vaccination. *sigh* She hasn't let it slow her down much, however, and she's enjoying playing outside at our new home.
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